The World in 1984: Volume II : The complete New Scientist series

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Medienart Buch
Beteiligte Personen Calder, Nigel [Hrsg.] Wikipedia
Systematik SK - Sekundärliteratur
Interessenskreis Future Life Bücher
Verlag Penguin Books
Ort Harmondsworth, Baltimore, Victoria
Jahr 1965
Umfang 205 S.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Band 2
Sprache deutsch
Verfasserangabe Nigel Calder
Illustrationsang Paperback
Annotation [Klappentext:]
New Scientist recently carried through what must rank as one of the most extraordinary publishing coups of this century, when it comissioned almost a hundred leading international authorities in many different fields literally to look into the future. The result was a series of articles as fascinating as ghe best science fiction shorn of the fantasy. The World in 1984 now for the first time brings these articles together in two volumes. In an effort to to forcast accurately the developments of the next twenty years, they look beyond science and technology to politics, trade, the arts, and other fields. Their intention is entirely serious - to build up as true a picture of the world in 1984 as the best information of today will allow. Here, filled out wis facts, is "the prophetic soul of the wild world, dreaming on things to come".
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